If you’ve tried covering your grey hair at home, but discovered to your horror that:
1. The colour didn’t take well
2. It only lasted a few days
We’ve got great news.
Some grey hair is harder to cover than others. Fortunately, we now have products and techniques that allow resistant grey to cover perfectly.
With specially designed colour for resistant grey, we can customize your hair treatment to suit your lifestyle and budget.
You’ll have radiant hair for a longer period of time. This is the easiest way to beautifully colour resistant grey hair.
The easiest method to cover grey is called a single process blonde. We apply a light shade of blonde all over. The salt and pepper in your hair colours differently, leaving your hair naturally shaded. Then we add beautiful highlights for a natural looking colour.
There are many techniques to camouflage grey, lose 10 years, and boost your complexion.
Set up a consult with us today!
Call Us On 08 9418 8874