Why Does It Cost More To Get My Hair Coloured In The Salon? By Expertease for Hair & Beauty Call Us On 08 9418 8874

Lissa Logan

Why Does It Cost More To Get My Hair Coloured In The Salon? By Expertease for Hair & Beauty Call Us On 08 9418 8874

Formulating colour that’s right for you is trickier than it seems. It takes time to learn how to do it properly, so what you’re paying for is expertise. Box colour, on the other hand, is much cheaper with a quicker result.

Unfortunately, with box colour, you’re buying just convenience. This type of colour contains metallic salts that completely destroy your hair. It also prevents you from receiving any professional chemical services at any salon, including perms or relaxers.

Why? Because your hair will start to steam and burn! That’s when we develop a headache trying to figure out how to get rid of the metallic salts without risking damaging your hair further with really harsh chemicals.

Do we sound anti-box colour? It’s true. We are. But we don’t want to hurt your feelings if you choose to go this route. We just want you to understand the risks. There really is a reason that most cosmetology schools require at least 1,000 hours to graduate.

Got questions? We’d love to hear them.

Why Does It Cost More To Get My Hair Coloured In The Salon? By Expertease for Hair & Beauty Call Us On 08 9418 8874

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